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The Lawn Care Basics

The Lawn Care Basics
Posted by Cindy

Lawn care is a complex process that requires various steps. Weeding, fertilization, watering, and weed control are some basic steps. It is essential to know these basics as they are the lawn’s bread and butter. Once you understand the basics, you can apply these steps to your property and make it healthier.



One of the most critical aspects of lawn care Kent is regular weeding. This process will help keep the grass healthy and competitive. It is essential to do weeding in the fall before the temperatures drop to prevent the plants from turning dormant. While most weeds will die naturally in the winter, some will remain.

Depending on the weed type, you can use a hoe, weed-killing herbicide, or a handheld weeder. Whatever method you choose, be sure to get all the roots of the weeds. If the roots are too stubborn to be removed, consider treating the area with a weed and feed product. Weeds, such as dandelions, can also be treated with diluted vinegar. You can also treat crabgrass by raising the mower blades and watering less.


Fertilizing your lawn is one of the most important steps you can take to improve the health of your lawn. A healthy lawn not only looks great but also limits erosion, keeps the climate cool, and reduces allergens. Fertilizing your lawn is as essential to a healthy lawn as water is. The primary nutrients you should apply are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Adding these nutrients will strengthen your lawn’s roots and make it stronger. In addition to these benefits, fertilization can also improve the health of your soil.

When to fertilize lawns: While it’s best to fertilize lawns in the fall, lawn grasses that grow in the warmer seasons should be fertilized early to mid-April. By then, the grasses will have resumed active growth and have re-established strong root systems. Of course, you can also fertilize your lawn in the spring, but you may not need to do it this year.

Weed control

Weed control in lawn care includes the application of various chemicals to control weeds. Some of these chemicals are pre-emergent, which prevents the weed seeds from germinating, and others are post-emergent, which kill existing weeds. These herbicides are available at home improvement stores and online.

To prevent the emergence of weeds, it is best to use a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring. This herbicide blocks the seeds of weeds for 3 to 5 months, which is long enough to prevent their growth.


Watering your lawn is essential to maintaining your property’s health. Different types of grounds require different amounts of water—some need to be watered daily while others need to be watered a few times a week. The amount of water required also depends on the age of the plants. Young landscaping needs more water to establish itself, while mature landscaping doesn’t need as much water.

Generally, your lawn requires about one inch of water per week to survive. If your lawn is already dry, you may not have to water it as often, and you may even want to water it more deeply. This will allow your grass to develop deep roots, making it healthy and green. This is especially important if you’re re-sodding or overseeding your lawn. If the grass is dry, it will not spring back up fast, and footprints will remain visible.

Pest control

If you want a pest-free lawn, it’s essential to know the basics of lawn care. Numerous pests will invade your property, but a little bit of prevention will go a long way. Raking leaves and mulch regularly, keeping your lawn mowed to the right height, and pruning trees to promote proper air and sunlight circulation are all significant steps towards keeping pests at bay. In addition, pest-control products, including natural allies like parasitic nematodes, can be purchased at a local garden supply retailer. These pest-control solutions encourage the growth of beneficial organisms and will help you keep the pest population down.

Insects are one of the most common pests that invade your lawn. While most insects are harmless, others can cause a lot of damage. These pests can eat away at your turf or even destroy prized plants. You should seek help from a professional if you’re concerned that your lawn is home to these destructive creatures.

Soil testing

Soil testing can reveal what affects your grass. For example, it can indicate an imbalance of nutrients or low pH. A soil test can also identify insects lurking in the soil. The results can help you decide how much fertilizer to apply.

Soil testing is a simple process that requires little disturbance to existing plants and landscapes. It simply involves a soil probe that you stick into existing soil. You’ll want to collect several samples per area, and a good rule of thumb is to contain at least ten pieces. The process is even more straightforward when testing the soil on a lawn rather than planting beds. This is because lawns typically undergo a vigorous fertilization program and are subject to foot traffic compaction.

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